Pro Roots состоит из эссенций растений, фруктов и масел. 100% натуральное
Как и Protect и Bio Bloom, он получен в результате экологической переработки без каких-либо химических или синтетических продуктов и искусственных удобрений.
Terra Aquatica Protect
12,400.00 AMD – 248,900.00 AMD
Terra Aquatica Pro Bloom
8,000.00 AMD – 139,700.00 AMD
Terra Aquatica Pro Roots
8,000.00 AMD – 232,400.00 AMD
GHE ProRoots – активатор корней:
– Стимулирует рост микроорганизмов в корнях и способствует развитию корней и корешков.
– Улучшает биотип корней и укрепляет кончики. Это позволяет развить мощную корневую систему и лучше прижиться растению в окружающей среде.
– Помогает растению лучше сопротивляться болезням и возбудителям плесени (мучнистая роса, выпревание и т. д.)
Категории: Terra Aquatica, Удобрения
Вес | N/A |
Объём |
1 л, 500 ml, 250 мл, 30 мл, 60 мл |
Humic Acid
7,900.00 AMD – 48,600.00 AMD
Полный комплект Terra Aquatica (GHE) Tripack Flora Series 0,5 l
15,500.00 AMD
7,900.00 AMD – 37,200.00 AMD
Полный комплект Terra Aquatica (GHE) Tripack Flora Series 1 l
23,400.00 AMD
Terra Aquatica 3-Pack Starter Kit NovaMax FinalPart (FloraNova) 500ml
20,000.00 AMD
T.A. NovaMax – Highly concentrated 1-component hybrid liquid fertiliser.
The breakthrough in fertiliser technology: NovaMax combines the efficiency of a concentrated dry fertiliser with the user-friendliness of a liquid fertiliser in a REAL 1-component formulation: one bottle for growth, one for flowering, full stop! Healthy growth even without CalMag, PK and trace element additives.
Thanks to its unique, concentrated formulation using a patented process of highly pure minerals and natural additives, including humic extracts, NovaMax is long-term efficient even in the smallest quantities and suitable for all plants.
Perma Bloom (Flora Mato)
5,000.00 AMD – 31,500.00 AMD
Perma + Bloom = PermaBloom
Adding ease of use to TriPart® performance for continuously producing plants
PermaBloom takes the foundation of our flagship 3-part nutrient system, TriPart® Micro, and offers a custom blended partner with optimised mineral ratios for continuously fruiting plants. In short, it turns our bestselling 3-part system into a tailored 2-part for plants with specific needs.
PermaBloom provides a bespoke blend of the essential and extra minerals needed by plants like chillies, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, beans, melons, strawberries etc.
PermaBloom enhances flavours, increases yields and improves nutritional value in the same way the TriPart® does, and it is made with the same pH buffered ultra-pure mineral ingredients. Designed for hydroponics, PermaBloom is particularly efficient in drip systems and automatic irrigation although it can also be used in coco and soil.
Terra Aquatica Dual Part FloraCoco Grow
6,900.00 AMD – 32,800.00 AMD